Wednesday, 7 November 2007


Have you ever heard a thing and only later understood it, realised it?

I don't know how many times someone has said to me something like:

"Don't do anything, just rest in the silence now. Be completely present and aware of what this moment has for you now. Remain content in your experience as it is, without judgement, without wanting to change or it to be anything else than it is, right now."

The amount of times something similar has gone through my eyes or ears and always running was this idea that even to rest I had to do something. I couldn't sit back in the comfy sofa of awareness because there was something more. It was this Noble Thought - I want everything, and what I am experiencing right now is only a taster so I'll try a little harder, be a little more one pointed, be a better student.

It's so funny because its the littlest thing that kept me from resting, from experiencing what there is in this moment, from being free to be all that presence.

So there is just the experience of stillness. Everything still comes and goes but there is this central core, untouched by any of it. I love the saying "like paint being thrown through air". Just like that. It's just what I choose to make it.

Wonderful, simple, so simple and such fun, captivating...

Dropping Keys

The small man
builds cages for everyone
he knows
while the sage,
who has to duck his head
when the moon is low,
keeps dropping keys
all night long
for the

~ Hafiz

I stole this from Moni Vangolen and Tomas Stubb's website. They are wonderful, still and inspiring teachers. If you are ever near them, seek them out. I feel such a connection with these guys, they are a ton of fun. yay!