Monday, 18 May 2009

A Love Story

There are times in one’s life when it all makes sense, when everything becomes clear. Perhaps you remember a time like this for you, at the time of the birth of your children, when you fully committed to your partner, when a loved one dies, or perhaps you were simply with friends or alone, enjoying the company and the moment. In these times the priorities of your life become so apparent that sometimes you cannot fathom why you made anything else more important, why you chose to live any other way. Without a doubt you know that love is the most important thing: Your love for the moment, for people, for the place, but most of all, for yourself. It is so clear that love is all, that this love is a love that needs nothing else, that needs no one else, that is content and perfect in itself. These are the great moments of our lives, the times when we fully rest in the lap of God.

It’s something everyone wants. In one form or another, creatively or destructively, consciously or unconsciously, we all seek to fill our lives with this experience of completeness. Everything anyone does is for the greatest love, even when it looks like a mad grasp for security or self esteem by attempting to take from others. The whole world spins around a version of love, whether a memory or an actual experience, it doesn’t matter, love is the only thing that motivates life. Obviously, how we experience love makes the crucial difference to our experience of life, yet the realisation that everyone around you is motivated by the same thing - however it looks - is of huge significance. There becomes an experience, not of greater and lesser, but of different choices, of compassion for all that exists.

You also start to experience love as the core of creation. You see love as the cause of everything. It becomes harder and harder to see anything else, even in challenging events. You truly live life as it was meant to be lived, resting in the deeper experience, never moving from full enjoyment of every moment, this full enjoyment motivating greater and greater love and silence to flow into your awareness, an endless cycle of love and joy blossoming at simply being able to experience presence and life in this moment. Nothing better.

As the whole world revolves around love, bringing the fullest version of love to the world is a simple thing. It comes by you personally filling this moment up with attention rooted in silence. The more you do this the more you come into love. The more you are love, the more love comes to the world. It’s so simple and so enjoyable. You begin a love affair with the still presence in your being and the more you give yourself to the relationship, the more you fulfil your purpose of being alive.

Now here is the best part. Once again, as it has been said and experienced from the dawn of time: You don’t have to believe this to be true. You move towards experiencing this and the results are self motivating - you prove it to be true to yourself. If love in its many forms is important to you, perhaps a suspicion of the variety that “if it works for some it may just work for all” would help motivate you too to live the fullest possible experience of being here on this planet. But really, even the desire for only a little more in your life will bring you more love than you can handle. As someone once said, even a small amount of faith that there is more to life, only the size of say, a mustard seed, will bring great things to you.

But you have to actually do it. Fortunately, there is nothing simpler in starting to walk towards more. You rest in this moment, say an Ascension Attitude, and gently and innocently watch, notice, observe, stay aware. Notice that the only thing that creates anything else but silence is your mind, the only thing that stops love is you believing the judgments of your mind are right. You allow your awareness to relax beyond the confines of the mind and there you are, resting in the lap of God once again, fulfilling the reason for this moment in time, fulfilling the reason why you have a choice. As you do this you’ll find love is the only thing that lasts, the only thing that is the salve to all your troubles, and the only thing that is the underlying source of all your desires. Love truly is all.