Tuesday, 30 October 2012

What a difference an attitude makes. The world does not owe you anything. On the contrary, you are absolutely blessed to be here.

Every moment that you are simply alive is nothing short of a miracle.

Realise that and you will be so filled with gratitude and awe you will never demand anything ever again.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Have strong opinions but carry them lightly. Be open, receptive and flexible.

Make no demands. Have preferences, strong ones if you wish, but insist not. Hold onto nothing, set nothing in stone.

Your opinions are not you. Your beliefs of how things should happen are not you. All beliefs are simply an idea of what is true from your point of view at this point in time.

The truth is much closer to you than any belief.

Hold onto nothing - take nothing seriously.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Happiness does not lie in things. Happiness comes from gratitude for things.

Having more things is not the key to happiness. Appreciating what you do have is.

Image: http://singlemomwithlove.com/goodness-gracious/