Wednesday, 28 March 2007


It may seem at times that our search is for perfection, that one day we'll reach a state of ultimate purity and rest, finally fufilled, content, whole, finished. The reality I suspect, at least while we're still human, is of constant evolution, continual discovery of more.

Sure, there will come a time of an continuous experience of contentment and peace and fufillment, but as long as you continue to rest all of your awareness in the source of all, that source will continue to show you places where you can surrender more of yourself to it.

Which is a fantastic thing - a never ending, continually changing experience of being whole, and then even more whole, and then even more whole.

The great thing is that you can stop expecting that final stage, that final aha, because it never existed. You can give up getting it right, getting it perfect. What you are chasing is an idea of perfection based on a memory or a comparison of what you believe Truth to be. That either is gone, never to come again or it never was available to you in the first place.

Perfection is only available to you right now and you have no choice over how it looks.

In the same way you cannot be nearly full or almost there. It's not like that, there is no shallow and deep end to the swimming pool of God. You either are resting in Stillness or not. You're either wet or you're not.

If not Now, when?

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