I teach meditation. Not meditation as commonly pictured or practiced, sitting bolt upright with legs crossed. Not meditation as in taking a trip or visualising colours. This is meditation as in union, a joining of one’s self to one’s fullest, greatest Self. It has no rules other than the more you use it, the more you get out of it. It is a simple movement into the heart of the Stillness within. It is totally effortless and absolutely rewarding. The reason for it is to allow life to be lived fully, richly and completely. The experience it gives me is the reason I wake in the morning, the reason I write this now.
Many people I have met say that all spiritual practices are the same. Maybe they say that because they are tired of looking, searching. Maybe it is their way of temporarily placating their heart’s longing for expansion. To me saying that is like saying all cars are the same. It’s true - on the surface - and yet infinitely untrue when you look closer.
Finding a way of permanently living in connection to the silence within, that ‘at home’ quality of yourself that you know so well, should be the purpose of all spiritual practice. In this way some cars simply do not start. Some are take eons of instruction to learn how to drive. Some go, but are exhausting to drive. Some are too small, too slow, too unsatisfying. What you want is a luxury car, easy to handle, relaxing to use, simply nothing but comfort as you speed past all old outmoded ways towards your heart’s desires.
I say this because it’s important. Crucial even. Spiritual practice has nothing to do with pain and suffering or even force, trying or straining. Zero. Your mind responds to what it loves far far better than punishment. Love conquers all. The path is the same as the goal.
So take hope. There is a way back home. There are tools that fit you, that allow you to stretch out and, as you do so, discover all the places where you are holding back the fullest expression of yourself. There are ways and means that allow you to experience everything of your inner and outer life. It can be absolutely easy and enjoyable. You can be experiencing nothing but joy from here to forever. True. I tell you no lies.
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