You are all that you seek to be, all that the sages have written about throughout time and space. You are at once a child of this Universe and the Creator of the cosmos. Your destiny, your purpose in life is to realise this, to be this, to live your fullest potential. God is here and God is Now and God is You. You are not here to be a mere channel for God, but completely inseparable from It. God loves you so much that the Truth waits - for all Eternity if need be - for you to make the only choice that matters: To return back to Yourself. This is the only life that will fully satisfy your heart, which remembers your perfection very well.
At some level you know this to be true. Your flawlessness already exists under the concerns and fears of your day-to-day life. It is stillness, peace, and childlike wonder; it is the Beloved on the inside. It is total freedom from all limitation. Living it is a shift from unconsciousness – believing that the surface drama of life is Reality - to constant awareness of the Source that underlies all creation. The fruit of this communion is the obliteration of all fear, all need for protection, all idea of lack of any kind, leaving only the constant perception of perfection, joy, clarity, laughter and love.
Returning to Innocence is not difficult, nor does it involve force or even seriousness of any kind. The only thing you have to do is have a willingness, a commitment to be who you are and to give up your belief in limitation, in separation. You do not have to follow a particular belief system, diet or exercise regime. You do not need to heal yourself before the Universe embraces you, although you will be fully healed when you fully commit to Being God. You need not do anything else but focus on what is Real, right Now. The promise has always been one of instant forgiveness - instant purity - when you Remember in this moment. The more you do this the more life is lived sweetly and perfectly. The growth of awareness of God in you affects Everything, the whole of Consciousness. The choice for peace in you is the choice for peace in all humanity. Here is absolute service, absolute selflessness - for truly you are giving up the hold of the small self in exchange for dissolving back into that which endlessly gives.
The Ishayas have held the vision of, and the means for, a completely free humanity ever since the rise of ego and selfishness. Ishaya in Sanskrit means ‘of the Lord’ or ‘of the highest consciousness’. The vision is one of universal faultlessness, of life submerged in endless joy and love and adventure and divine grace, utterly without a hint of suffering. The means is called Ascension, which is ‘to rise above the entire limiting structure of the mind’. The Ishayas well know that God is the peace that passeth all understanding, something that can be experienced fully but never adequately described in mere words. People from different cultures and backgrounds refer to Themselves in different ways but yet they are the same. The Ishayas’ Ascension is a mechanical tool for all, regardless of belief, that leads directly back to what is Real. In all its simple purity, this teaching is a re-alignment with the Truth of who you are.
Everything you need is already in place inside of you. There is nothing than can hold back your destiny. The only thing that can slow this growth is human stubbornness. If you accept the summons of the One it’s possible to live your dreams: It can be nothing but joy from hereon in. Let your heart guide you… don’t put it off any longer. What more invitation do you require?
Originally published in Rainbow News
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