Wednesday, 7 February 2007

A life worth living...

It’s the doubt that kills all, any dream any love any aspiration any miracle. That belief that it can’t be done. Awful. If anything I want to live with both feet solidly in the dream. Definitely not in believing that it’s not even possible because that’s the way its always been, that’s the way it’s done, that’s the way everyone does it. No way, no more.

I want to live life fully and hugely and pay no attention to those grey little contractions that see and judge the world as half empty. That’s not how I want to live. I want joy and expansion and love and beauty and dreams and miracles.

I want it all.

I love the people I live with. They are the most inspired bunch I have ever come across. We feed off each other, it’s a continual expansion of hope and reality, of dreams and experience. I guess you could say that I’m lucky, but this is what I wanted always and now I have it.

I have it all and I want more.

I always wanted to live a life where I never regretted not doing something. One where I could look back and say I did it all: There is nothing that I wanted to do and did not try. It’s friggin scary to begin, and still takes boldness to launch into living each moment guided by my heart. But there is nothing else I can do, really. So I resolve to do that in every second of my existence – not to exist, not to put up with, but to fully engage my dreams and that which is important and vital to me right now.

One thing I have faith in is that I can look after my interests first and everyone wins through that. I full know the value and joy of giving and of making a commitment and sticking with it. My resolve has nothing to do with small minded and constantly changing selfish ego stroking. And I trust all those around me to tell me if I ever get arrogant enough to fall into that. What it has everything to do with is a life dedicated to Truth, to Love, to Beauty and to Freedom. In that, there can be no losers.


Anonymous said...

Hi Arjuna,

I've been browsing your blog and each entry strikes me more than the previous one. I feel that you are writing about my believes, my dreams, my moments of weakness.I can only feel that, through your writings, you have committed to hold me up, to not let me sink in despair, to keep reminding me about who I am, the things I dream of, the eternal present. I have already experienced many of the things you write about, but sometimes, I tend to wonder and get lost and forget. My aim now is to trust God as I've never done it before, but even that is hard to do at times. Thanks for these beautiful reminders. yorlene

Arjuna Ishaya said...


Thank you so very much for writing. It is my absolute pleasure to write about what's going on in my experience and in my hopes and dreams. I am so happy you find inspiration there.
You know, sometimes this journey is called the Path of Heroes - because it takes an extraordinary person to rise beyond and keep going within. Stay inspired, there is an end to doubt.

love, Arjuna